This Report details all the Erskine Radio Interviews
This Report details all the Erskine Radio Interviews
I asked myself several questions.
WHY is the current CoVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) so powerful, and so virulent?
WHY does it preferentially seek out people who have high ACE2 docking sites on their cells due to their prescription medicines or diseases, obesity, smoking?
WHY does it cause tremendous immune system dysfunction in many infected people, similar to what we see with AIDS patients?
And Who funded this?
I asked myself several questions.
WHY is the current CoVID-19 coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) so powerful, and so virulent?
WHY does it preferentially seek out people who have high ACE2 docking sites on their cells due to their prescription medicines or diseases, obesity, smoking?
WHY does it cause tremendous immune system dysfunction in many infected people, similar to what we see with AIDS patients?
And Who funded this?
DRUGS INCREASE ACE2 THAT IS NEEDED BY SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 Coronavirus) TO ATTACH AND INFECT CELLS of the lung, intestine, kidney, blood vessel.
The more ACE2, the more infection. This may be the reason why the elderly who are treated with these drugs, have a greater risk of death / severe side effects
Defend Yourself From a Viral Attack – a plan that you can implement.
A new study shows that adults are protected without booster shots against tetanus and diphtheria for at least 30 years after getting the standard childhood vaccination shots. The United Kingdom and other countries do not recommend adult booster shots at all. Considering the number of adults scheduled to get booster shots at the current recommended 10 year interval, the authors of the study estimate a $280 million health care cost savings each year in the U.S. if the booster schedule were changed to at least the 30 year interval.
All the Erskine radio interviews are presented
The Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health allow clinical trial sponsors to keep their results secret and escape from paying more than $10 billion dollars in fines since the law was enacted in 2007 requiring disclosure of results. Those who conduct clinical trials are required to record results within one year of trial completion on the NIH’s website ClinicalTrials.gov. Physicians and patients rely on trial results to see whether new treatments are safe and effective. Collect the $10 billion now and stop funding non-compliant trial sponsors.
50% of the money spent on brand name medicines in 2018 went to hospitals, health insurers, pharmacy benefit managers, the government, and others – increasing from $24.7 billion to $48.6 billion between 2013 and 2018.
Millennials (born 1981 to 1996) compared to Generation X (born 1965 to 1980) have higher cholesterol and hypertension, more depression, more hyperactivity, and more alcohol and substance abuse.
Dr Charles B Simone M.MS., M.D. discusses Coronavirus with hosts Bob Sellers and Alison Maloni on the new Newsmax TV program “National Report” Jan, 22 2020.
“I am convinced that if everyone could read Dr. Simone’s book early enough in life and take it seriously, we would make major strides toward putting the cancer doctors out of work and approach the legacy of health that is within our reach.”
Robert A. Good, Ph.D., M.D.
Former President and Director, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Hospital, New York City
The tables below show: the Ten Most Costly Drugs in 2017 for Medicare Part D (Outpatient Prescriptions) and the Ten Most Costly Drugs in 2017 for Medicare Part B (Physician Administered Drugs); drug efficacy as determined by Cochrane Reviews, and comparative global prices obtained from internet sites. The patient and taxpayer pay for these drugs. If they are beneficial, we should use similar or identical drugs from other countries that cost significantly less.
Charles B Simone II MD, Medical Director at New York Proton Center CBS News Nov 20, 2019 discussing proton radiation cancer treatment.
Radiation is cumulative. Even the radiation you may have gotten from the shoe-fitting fluoroscope is still with you. 15,000 people die every year from cancers caused by radiation from CT scans. And children who had a CT scan had a 24% higher risk for developing cancer, with a 16% additional risk for each additional scan. Children who had one CT scan before age 5 had a 35% higher risk for cancer.
The human brain consumes about 20% of all the calories taken each day. The brain does not function well if there are few calories in the diet and if the diet lacks proper vitamin/mineral intake. Studies involving hundreds of thousands of children from the United States and around the world show this could lead to poor brain functioning, low I.Q., poor impulse control and bullying. High fat foods, junk food, and lack of vitamins, minerals, fruits and vegetables lead to a higher risk.
Harmful algal blooms can produce toxins that cause illness in people
Roger Ailes, CEO Fox News, played by Russell Crowe in “The Loudest Voice” called for more interviews of Dr Simone during the weeks following September 11, 2001 – “an anthrax expert, get him, book him, he was good.”
SIMONE HEALTHY START PREVENTION PROGRAM, CHILDREN CAN ASSIST TEACHING. The Simone Healthy Start Prevention Program was first started in 1983 by Charles B. Simone, M.D. It is described as the only prevention program in the country. The key to prevention is to teach our children early in life about a healthy lifestyle.